Monday 24 February 2014


Entwining fiction and reality
Every day is a masquerade
A tempting game of hide and seek
A shielding veil of every shade
Entwining fiction and reality
The feeling of rich velvet smoothing out the rough terrain
Shallow graves and creases gone without a pain
But yes that white shirt collar is left with a foundation stain
A sandstorm of ash like powder settling on a pale face
Our blood stopped flowing years ago
There’s a cure though
A puff of pink and there you go
Paint on the eyes to hide the years of showering tears
A thick dark coat of black
A blind fold from reality staring back at her in the mirror
The truth strikes an attack
It’s a search for happiness at the beauty counter but it’s never found
The cycle simply goes round and round and round
Entwining fiction and reality

by Maria Fustic
Words In Motion 2014

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